Adelanto Water Justice Coalition
a group dedicated to ensuring the residents of Adelanto have equitable access to clean and safe water.
Our Team
Our coalition is comprised of community organizers, scientists, politicians, professors, students, and most importantly Adelanto residents.
Located in Claremont, California, Pitzer College, a member of the Claremont Colleges, is a small liberal arts college emphasizing environmental and interdisciplinary studies, the arts, humanities and social, behavioral and natural sciences.
The Robert Redford Conservancy for Southern California Sustainability is Pitzer College's home for programming in areas such as climate resiliency, environmental stewardship, and land usage.
The Community Engagement Center at Pitzer College is dedicated to utilizing institutional power, partner collaboration, faculty expertise, and student action to advance social justice on our campus and in the surrounding community.
The ICIJ is composed of over 35 organizations that serve the immigrant community in the Inland Empire. The IC4IJ currently focuses on advocacy, changing the narrative, and capacity building. Our coalition engages in policy advocacy, community organizing, and education, and rapid response to ICE and border patrol operations.

Unidos por un Adelanto Mejor
Each year, El Sol serves over 50,000 community residents through its programs led by Community Health Workers (CHW) and promotores. El Sol has been serving the Inland Empire for more than 30 years working to achieve positive, measurable change. El Sol offers foundations and other organizations technical assistance on the development and implementation of CHWs and promotores programs to identify and target community priorities.
The W.M. Keck Science Department serves as the integrated science department for Claremont McKenna, Pitzer, and Scripps Colleges and is administered cooperatively. Founded in 1964, the department is housed in the 81,000 square-foot W.M. Keck Science Center, physically located at the intersection of the three sponsor schools.Keck Science offers full major programs in Biology, Chemistry, and Physics, along with several interdisciplinary programs such as Neuroscience, Science and Management, Environment, Economics, and Politics (EEP), and Environmental Science.
Critical Action & Social Advocacy (CASA) Pitzer advances critical analysis and community partnerships around the most pressing issues in the Inland Empire.
The CASA Pitzer space brings local residents, organizers, activists, artists, and nonprofits together with Pitzer College faculty and students to build community and enact change. The CASA Pitzer academic program facilitates student internships and community-based participatory research on issues of regional equity and justice pertaining to incarceration, immigration, education, environment, labor, art, culture, and health.

led by our founder, Stevonna Evans, Haven's Future provides resources for youth and families to support them throughout the process of the Children and Family Services System.